Friday, February 11, 2005

Love Is In the Air!

Don't forget: Valentine's Day is Monday!!!

to recap the 10 steps to a perfect evening:

1. Start Eary...get on that!!!
2. Brainstorm romantic ideas to personalize the expereince.
3. Make a "love song" playlist/CD.
4. Make contact through a poem or note.
5. Pique their interest with flowers or candy.
6. Enlist an a cappella group to serenade your valentine.
7. Get help from friends and roomates to occupy their time while you work your romantic magic behind the scenes.
8. Clear the room of roomates.
9. Decorate the space intimately.
10. Enjoy the night....don't get too frisky!

Let's get it on, kiddies!


At 12:08 AM, Blogger supergirl said...

umm hmm
you sit in 1902 for a few hours doing relatively nothing, and you cant even update.

gilgamesh-the book was gilgamesh.


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