Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Bubble Boy

Besides being a rediculous movie, i've found the term "bubble boy" to have some personal application. that is to say, i suppose i am a bubble boy. i live in a bubble. i have a clearly defined comfort zone which i don't often like to leave or have penetrated. we all have our bubbles to a certain extent, though the degree to which we can all survive outside of our bubbles of comfort varies greatly.

some people have their comfort zones which merely serve as rest stops between trying all sorts of new activities and expereinces. these people frequently enjoy the thrill of "testing the waters," so to speak, of new endeavors which may be, in turn, taken up as a new hobby or regular occurance. others choose to stay within their realm of comfort for a variety of reasons. some could just be satisfied with their established routine, as they may have found a formula for life that seems to work. why go fixing something if it isn't borken? others could be scared of the unfamiliar elements and potential pitfalls which exist outside of their bubbles and prefer to stick to what they know as a result.

i suppose i encompass a bit of both reasons why i like to stay in my bubble of comfort. i have a nice routine in my life which works. i seem reasonably satisfied with life, and hardly any major tragedy rolls my way. why would i ever want to leave? gets boring. no one wants to lead a life of monotony. we (humans-i assume we are all humans here) all somewhere, even if burried really deeply, have an inate desire for adventure. maybe it's a lingering child-like spirit or just an active imagination, but we all thrive on fun and excitement. many do all that they can to avoid a stagnant routine.

so, im the spirit of self-improvement in the new year, i will leave my comfort zone more often. yes, it is a scary place outside of what i know, but i'm willing to take some chances. only through taking chances can we know what new thing or experience we may fall in love with, or maybe even detest. but at least i will have tried. if not, i can always speculate on what would have happened if i did something out of my ordinary, but i most likely would only feel regret. regret is a terrible feeling. i don't like it. it's nasty. and ugly. and has a small penis. (ha, take that, regret!)

moral of the story is...(drum roll) TAKE CHANCES/TRY NEW THINGS. you may find your new favorite hobby. you may find the love of your life. you may make the team. you may get the lead in the play. you may find a new major. you may end up living there for the rest of your life. you may challenge all that you previously believed in or held true. you may fall on your ass. but, just get up, dust yourself off, and try something else. make the uncertain certain.

Till we meet again kiddies!


At 6:18 PM, Blogger Psychomoore said...

I have a zone that I don't like penetrated too...

At 7:11 PM, Blogger supergirl said...

this was a good entry...glad you finally finished it. but...we both posted about comfort zones, hahaha.

hey i'm really glad that you are getting more comfortable with leaving the bubble. maybe one day you'll be comfortable enough to go to europe ;-)

At 7:19 PM, Blogger CJo said...

hopefully, lol.- it all starts with confidence. confidence and courage to confront all opposing obstacles. that can be a hard thing. a daunting thing. a thing so powerful that you want to abandon all hope sometimes. yet, just being comfortable enough with the self is a start to finding comfort in previously uncharted territories.

and as far as having my zone penetrated, it depends on who's penetrating...jk. ew.


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