Tuesday, February 22, 2005

D Watch!

Sup, y'all. I have fallen off big time. last week was probably my busiest wek of the term. this week, however, i can devote time to writting and having important things to say.

it's recently been buzzing around a concerned minority base on campus that "the Dartmouth," America's oldest college newspaper has been misrepresenting, disrespecting, and alienating a specific population of the Dartmouth community.

the D has falsely tried to pit african americans and the LGBTQA community against each other over the MLK, Jr. Celebrations. this is because the D wished to create a non-existant controvesy to gain more readers. scandal apparently makes better news than the truth. 2 keynote speakers in the MLK Celebrations were lesbian women, one a southern white and the other a black and native american activist.

to read further, check out my link to "D Watch." The outrage and real scandal of the atrocities committed by the D can be explained much more eloquently there. it is really interesting and worth reading, i promise!

holla back, kiddies!


At 3:10 PM, Blogger Psychomoore said...

ALRIGHT! Great to finally have an update, I almost stopped checking. This is what I have to say about D Watch:


At 6:38 PM, Blogger supergirl said...

what do you mean F**K THAT??????

that is entirely insensitive. and uncalled for.

At 8:25 PM, Blogger CJo said...

It's ok. Sure Laura, you and I realize that he is insensitive and that his remarks are uncalled for, yet he does not. I am used to it. It really depresses me sometimes when you think the world is moving in the right direction and certain people are always there to remind you it is not.

I do not blame him. If he does not believe that the LGBTQA stuggle is worthwhile or important, then that is his opinion.

Psychomoore, I thought you were a cool person. However, your insensitivity and of disgusting disrespect for issues about which I care deeply has forced me to want to sever connection with you. I am sorry it has to be this way. I am removing my link to your blog, and I feel you should do the same for me. Thanks for reading thus far, and take care of yourself.

At 7:05 AM, Blogger CJo said...

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Ally

At 8:48 AM, Blogger CJo said...


Yet the tone and emphasis of his comment lead me to believe that "that" refers to the D-Watch's efforts. because he prefaces "F**K THAT!" with "This is what I have to say about D Watch:"

He does not say, "This is what I have to say about what the D is doing:" nor does he say, "This is what I have to say about LGBTQA treatment:"

He does say that this is the way he feels about D-Watch. And, D-Watch is the organization trying to fight the D's lack of journalistic integrity as of late.

Thus, he has shown insensitivity to an issue of great concern to me. He has disrespected my blog. And, I do not want to associate with someone who chooses to do so.

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Ian said...

is it lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and ally?

if psychomoore meant what we all think he meant, he really made himself sound ignorant and closed minded. even on the most basic level (and without even acknowleging the LGBTQA community), psychomoore could at least have understood the importance of ACCURATE information and being rightly portrayed in the media. especially being one of the main newspapers on campus (and an ivy league campus at that), the media's goal in society should be to not further ignorance and stereotypes, but promote understanding and awareness ...

something the D failed to do.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger supergirl said...

the D has made a mockery of a cause, and of two very well known and highly respected women. it is a shame that this had to happen here, where open-mindedness is supposedly the norm. we need to be more accepting of each other, then we can end all of this violence, and these wars. they are all caused by this type of ignorance, this type of indifference. please, we need to do whatever we can to restore peace in our own society, and around the world.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Psychomoore said...

Please accept my sincere apology. I never meant it to be anything like you took it, but now that I look at it, I see how I could have better explained myself. Laura, of all people, I would have thought you would understand what I meant. F**k that is a phrase I use quite often, and not always in a negative way. I am a VERY open minded person and not anything near insensitive. I am sorry that I have offended you, I never meant to do so. I am not removing my link to your site, I still think it's great and I enjoy reading it. I do think this was an extreme misunderstanding and, again, I'm am extremely sorry for offending you and I don't blame you. Please feel free to email me at psychomoore@gmail.com if you would like to.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger CJo said...

Thank you, that means a lot.

It's just that with hot button issues such as this, it's hard to take simple comments lightly. Not that I'm always serious and grave about the issue, I am slightly sensitive when I feel that it is not given the respect it deserves.

I am glad you have cleared this up. I suppose GMJ was right, afterall. I'll link back to ya, you faygo!!!!

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Psychomoore said...

Yea, I'd like to thank GMJ for giving me the benefit of the doubt. I appreciate that.


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