Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Work, Work, Work

Today was nothing but work!

7:15- Alarm goes off to wake me up for drill.
7:25-Alarm goes off again as "snooze" has lost its effect.
7:28-Trip as I get out of bed cutting my toe on a suitcase and hitting my head on the wall...yes, roomates still sleep, pfew.
7:42-Run out of Mid Fayerweather to Dartmouth Hall.
7:45-I'm the 2nd person to enter the classroom.
7:50-The rest of the class shows up for the 7:45 drill...
7:52-I learn my drill Instructor is my depressing.
7:53-8:35-My ego is redeemed as I am the only one in the class who responds perfectly every time and had quite a good accent.
8:40-8:55-Breakfast @ the HOP ( a nasty dried hash brown and Dartmouth College Spring Water, mmm).
9:00-9:50-French class. If it werent for the 1 or 2 cute people in there, I wouldn't have made it.
10:00-10:08-Secret dance party and sing-along in my room while roomates are out. (Song: Mario's "Let Me Love You")(I know)(I'm sorry)(but he is from Baltimore, whut!).
10:10-Plop down on the couch in Collis Student Center pull out french books and start doind homework..i know, i'm as shocked as you are.
10:19-Watch Laura who was suppose to meet me at 10:10 walk by me and not see me.
10:23-Watch Laura, now with food, walk by me and not see me. She is headed to the "Blitz" terminals.
10:24-Send Laura a blitz saying I'm on the couch next to the fireplace, you missed me.
10:27-Laura returns. Sits on one couch.
10:27:32-Laura moves to the other couch.
10:27:48-Laura complains about life.
10:30-12-Some productive work for a change. (interjected with Laura's and my critique of everyone who walks through the door and other musings on life)
12:05-Buy a stir-fry.
12:05-12:30-Savor stir-fry.
12:35-Headed over to Topside Convenience store. Bought a kit-kat, 2 amazin fruit packets, and a 12 pak of sprite (what else could a man ask for).
12:55-Back in the dorm just in time for back to back episodes of the Cosby Show! WHOOT!
2:00-Start getting blitzes about paper due tomorrow and my having to edit all 11 other members of my class's papers. ugh
2:25-Get tired of confusing blitzes.
2:28-Go in bedroom and close door...nappy time, no not my hair.
4:55-Wake from what was supposed to be a 2 hour nap. Damn, already behind schedule.
5-11-Work on revising damn essay and reading everyone else's damn essays and having to make damn comments on every fucking thing wrong with all of their damn crappy papers. well, some were gems, but a bunch were crap!
11:05-Get tired. contemplate looking at porn.
11:06-Roomate walks in.
11:06:01-Porn no longer an option.
11:30-Go into bedroom with laptop because i'm tired of sitting in a damn chair. I lay on bed.
11:30-11:40-Surf web....who am i kidding...facebook.
11:45-Remember i have to write a blog for today.
11:47-Finally come up with the idea to write about my pointless day.
11:59-Realize it won't be done in 1 minute so i say screw rushing.
12:01-Get notion to look at porn again.
12:02-Other roomate walks in.
12:02:05-Porn no longer an option. (It took longer this time cause, well, I am in the other room and all...and I do have a mute button...fuck it.)
12:04-Order EBAs online. MMM Pizza.
12:10-Wrapping up my fucking pointless entry.
12:20-EBAs is here. Done Proofreading. Time for eat then sleep. Thus is life.

what a damn day. i promise tomorrow my entry will have some meaning. and if i have work...screw it. my thought are much more important than grades. i had today's entry all planned out. oh well, some other time.

Going mad with work and very little sleep at night,



At 2:34 AM, Blogger supergirl said...

you forgot 4 very important parts of your day:

12:07-Drop Stir-Fry rice all over yourself
12:07:01-Realize your fly is open
12:07:02-Discuss with Laura how your fly is open
12:07:05-Zip up


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