Saturday, July 30, 2005

Psyche, Got You!

Wow, havent posted in forever!!! i guess the best place to jump back in is by trying to accomplish again what i originally intended for the blog: thought provoking questions and my opinions of them. here's one i've been thinking about for a while now:

ok, so i'll start by asking this: why do we make fun of each other? can't we all live in the example of dear old rodney king and ask, "can't we all just get along?" many people like to joke around with some harmless "ribbing" and "doing the dozens." and to me, that is absolutely fine, and in some cases healthy. there is nothing wrong with joking around and making fun of freinds. i don't think people should take life too seriously, and if you can't joke around with friends, then who can u joke with?

but, i always wonder if the real reasons people take shots (in good fun or with malicious intent) is because of some sort of self-consciousness, self-doubt, self-acknowledged insecurities, or just to make oneself feel superior. in situations where people are engaging in "witty banter" or "friendly insults" everyone wants to be the best: have the best jokes, one-up the other, and have the last laugh. insults and making fun of people inevitably sparks a sense of competition and rivalry, even if not completely serious. and i'm sure we've all encountered situations where people have "taken things too far." feelings can get hurt. people get offended. friendships are strained. ultimately, the hope would be that all things are mended in the end. but it makes you wonder if even friendly joking is worth the possible consequence of upset feelings or people taking something to heart.

i know sometimes it's all too easy for friends to take for granted what they think the other will tolerate. i'm not necessarily thinking of any specific instances in my life, but i know that it happens (and has happened). we cross lines without even knowing it. we just assume that since we are friends, the other couldn't possibly be offended. but things can hurt, even if that hurt isn't always expressed. the reasons i can think that someone wouldn't always tell the other when they are offended is that they don't want to cause a bigger problem if one is not necessary. we would sacrifice our own dignity almost, to not make a big deal of things with our friends.

but is it right to always let bygones be bygones? when do we stand up for ourselves and when do we let things slide? what's the point of something being a "big deal" or "blowing things out of proportion?" i think this is such an interesting phenomenon. i should really be a psych major to study all of these things.

well, that was just on my mind, and it's interesting to ponder. my thoughts on the matter aren't done, but i can't make sense of anything else floatin around up there in the noggin. please comment with your thoughts, and the discussion can continue.

If you just read this, you suck!

just kidding, kiddies!


At 12:13 AM, Blogger supergirl said...

it depends on the subject i guess. condoleeza rice sure is funny. i dont know why.

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