Too Bad, So Sad
Like it or not, freshman year of college is over...
What a ride. This has truly been one of the best years of my life. I can't think of another more memorable or amazing experience in my life thus far. Being on my own for the first time, away from home more than 2 weeks that is, I truly learned to be more independent and self-sufficient. As bad as I thought that transition was going to be, I quickly learned that no one at Dartmouth is ever truly alone. So, I really didn't have to worry about feeling lonely or overwhelmed. I found support and friendship just about everywhere I turned. That is one of the biggest reasons I fell in love with the College so fast. I am certainly a person who depends on people and friends to keep me happy and grounded, and as I always say, "The best thing about Dartmouth is the people. It really is a close community with a strong family atmosphere." (C.Jones, Tour Guide)
Friends definitely made the whole experience better than I could have ever imagined. I feel as though the best things to happen to me last year were my DOC Trip as I've remained close to many of my trippees (one in particular-you know who you are), and Dog Day (where would my life be without DDP!?!?). Not to even mention the Gospel Choir, Dimensions Show (hot), GSA, and the million other things I got myself into this year. I know it sounds cliché, but I really did make the friends, acquaintances, and relationships I'm sure I'll have for life.
Another one of the great things about College is dealing with increased responsibility while managing the increased irresponsibility as well. You suddenly realize that you are accountable for every single one of your actions and no one will be there to clean up your mess for you. Sure I got into my fair share of mess and craziness, but all in good fun and never to excess. You learn your limits, and what limits to push as well as which ones to leave alone. I really learned to live with and understand myself. As much as no one is alone, you get plenty of "you-time" to reflect and do some soul searching.
I definitely feel as though I've grown significantly because of that last year. Whether it be my increased appreciation for both the rural and urban lives (Hanover v. Baltimore), my renewed faith in my own intelligence, the many ups and downs in my sanity, my increased comfort in my own skin, or the lessons I learned from all of my amazing friends, I come away from freshman year only yearning for September again!
DARTMOUTH '08 for life, kiddies!
i have one thing to say:
its dark in this room. i'm in my pajamas. i'm wearing sunglasses. who am i???
is it your berfday? was. and i fell on my bootay after i saw thriller at EKT
so many thrillers. so much bootay.
I just found your site and was delighted to see another Baltimorean making good use of the web.
Some friends and I just kicked off a new blog I think you'd like: Seven Deadly Cynics. Check it out and let us know what you think.
All best,
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